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Pest Control Myth Busters


As the Island’s first pest control company and the local leader in service, we have learned that many people have the wrong idea about pest control. Our industry is riddled with pest control myths, many of which lead to the potential of greater damage from rodents and pests to your most valuable investment – your home! It’s human nature to hear or read something and say “Yes! I’ve heard that somewhere so it must be true!”. The thing is – it’s not! We’re here to squash 6 common pest control myths to empower you to make the best decisions surrounding pest control. Think of us as your pest control myth busters!

Myth #1 – Mice love cheese!

We’ve all heard this very common pest control myth but contrary to popular believe you should not bait mice with cheese! Our favorite cartoons may portray these rodents as cheese lovers, but it turns out they are pretty indifferent to it. What these pesky critters do love is peanut butter and chocolate! The high sugar content of these foods is most appealing to mice, as opposed to dairy products or those

high in protein. If you plan to give these foods a try, we recommend to use small amounts for best results.

Myth #2 – All bees can only sting once.

This is another common pest control myth and is one of those myths that is partly based on the truth. Yes, honeybees and ONLY honeybees can only sting once. Other varieties of bees, hornets and wasps can sting over and over until their heart’s’ content! So, prepare yourself – just because you’ve been stung once does not mean that you’re safe. Another sting could be coming right behind it!

Mosquitoes aren’t attracted to UV light so they will not be drawn anywhere near the bug zapper.

Myth #3 – Mosquitoes can effectively be eliminated with bug zappers.

This pest control myth is blatantly false for a couple of reasons. First – bug zappers typically use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract insects. Mosquitoes aren’t attracted to UV light so they will not be drawn anywhere near the bug zapper. This light will attract other insects, bugs and pests … but not mosquitoes!

Secondly, bug zappers usually don’t have enough power to actually kill the bugs that they draw in. This can actually cause a reverse effect on insect populations around your home by increasing your bug problems. They’ll draw in insects without actually killing them, and then those insects will reproduce and multiply around your home.

Myth #4 – My house is brand new construction so I don’t need to worry about termites.

WRONG! The state of South Carolina requires that every newly constructed home be pre-treated and post-treated for termites. The Lowcountry is a hotspot for Eastern Subterranean and Formosan termites, and damage that results from their activity causes more than $5 billion annually. Termites don’t differentiate between new and old construction. The subterranean species most commonly found in our area – the Eastern Subterranean and Formosan termites – eat 24/7, making them the most destructive species of termites found in the United States. The bones of your newly constructed home are wood, which is termite food, and homeowner’s insurance does not cover termite damage. Every homeowner in the Lowcountry needs to be pro-active with their termite coverage – because in this area it’s not a matter of “if” but a matter of “when”.

Myth #5 – If I can’t/don’t see a pest issue then there isn’t one!

This is a big one, because some of the most problematic pests – think termites and carpenter ants – stay hidden. Rather than feeding out in the open, certain pests are known for feasting on the insides of walls and in the crawlspace of homes. Bed bugs are nocturnal and don’t come out to feed during the day – which is when you’d probably see them – so like termites and carpenter ants they usually cause damage for months before any of their damage becomes visible. Most infestations are very well established before any of their damage is detected, leaving homeowners at risk for disease and devastation.

Successful pest control and prevention needs to go well beyond “I’ll keep an eye out.” Investigation, regular inspection and prevention will ensure you’re ahead of possible pest problems. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to pests.

Myth #6 – Cockroaches are only attracted to dirty homes.

FALSE! Cockroaches make their way into your home for 2 main reasons: seeking food and seeking shelter. They may be more abundant in a dirty home, simply because food and shelter may be more abundant – but that doesn’t mean that a clean home doesn’t have anything to offer. Examine your home and keep in mind what pests want. Try your best to pointedly deprive cockroaches and other prospective pests of the things they seek. Keep in mind that cockroaches can enter through an opening the size of a quarter so sealing any possible entry points is critical in preventing them. Once a cockroach infestation is established it can be extremely difficult to get rid of them.

The biggest pest control myth out of them all is that you can always handle any pest infestations on your own. Although there are some DIY methods and ideas that will help deter critters and pests, the best solution is to call up the professionals at Hilton Head Exterminators and let us help!